Kiinnostaisko ketään aito Tour Easy?
Nyt olis tarjolla Easy Racerilla runkoja "edullisesti". Olen ollut yhteydessä Buck nimiseen henkilöön ja hän tarjosi 2-laadun ja hieman käytettyjä runkoja.
Lainaus s-postista:
"Attached to this email are pictures of the 4 used M/L frames I have. 3 of them are steel Tour Easy frames and 1 is a Gold Rush frame. The first 2 pictures are the Tour Easy and the last 2 are the Gold Rush.
The first red Tour Easy frame is not used but has "Bad Paint." Upon looking at it I could not see any flaws so that gives you an idea of how "bad" it is (not very bad at all). The price for a new Tour Easy frame is $1146, I'd give you that first red frame for $900. The other two are slightly used but in excellent condition. I'd sell either for $750. I'm willing to here any offer you'd like to make on any of these frames. I will have to run them by my boss but that it not a problem. Please feel free to negotiate with us.
I could sell you the Gold Rush frame for $1750. $1850 if you wanted it powder coated. That's a couple hundred dollars of the retail price on a Gold Rush frame of $2076.
Let me know if you're interested and like I said, feel free to make an offer,
Buck at ER"
Mun mielestä hintapyynnit on vielä aikas kovia, mutta voihan täältä löytyä joku halukas.
Ja laitehan on klassikko Ei taida olla suomessa yhtään, onko edes koko pohjoismaissa aitoa Tour Easyä/ Gold Rush replicaa?